I have checked my Blogger settings and it's confirmed that the blogs are being configured with full RSS feeds. I even tried to browse the RSS feed manually to ensure that full feed is shown. I also have checked the syndication options on the FeedWordPress-based syndication sites, and confirmed that it should extract the full article from the feeds. Why only the titles are being shown on the syndication sites?
Anyone has a clue? :)
Oh saya juga ngalamin begitu dulu pas baru pindah ke blogger beta (skrg sih uda ga beta lagi)..berhubung pake feeds di feedburner, itu juga ngaco total, karena settingan url nya uda beda lagi. Klo dulu kan cuma tambahin atom.xml dibelakang url, skrg beda, pake angka2 yg rumit sesuai profile. Klo mao dapetin kodenya, biasanya ganti template dulu ke custom template yg new blogger kasih, setau saya sih nanti keluar feeds dan bisa copy link dari situ..
mungkin sindikasnya bisa dicoba pake feedburner. not so sure, thou. :)
Terima kasih Devi dan Fatih atas masukannya, nanti mau coba saya utak-atik lagi. :)
same problem here:
i can't understand the comments here, but if you have any ideas, please let me know! thanks! :)
ia, sure, will let you know if I can get the workaround to this problem.
With regards to the comments, basically my friend Devi shared the same problem she encountered when she migrated to Blogger, it affected her feeds in Feedburner. She advised me to change to the the new customised template and got the new code for the feed's URL. Haven't managed to try this, yet.
My friend Fatih suggested to use Feedburner for the syndication feed source, instead of use the original feed directly. Haven't tried this as well. :)
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