Saturday, October 06, 2012

Free HBO Channels

Earlier this morning, I received a call from StarHub customer service. He told be that he can reduce my StarHub monthly bill by $12 for the next one year, and at the same time, he will be giving me 12 months free HBO-pak channels such as HBO itself, HBO Signature, HBO Family, etc. The only catch is that I would need to recontract my StarHub subscription for one year.

I remember that I haven't recontracted my StarHub subscription for years. Since I only subscribe to StarHub only for their cable TV services -- I don't subscribe to their broadband or mobile services --, I don't think it's necessary for me to commit myself into any contract. But since their customer service took the initiative to call me to offer such discount and free perks which comes with the recontract option, then I think, why not? :)

The customer service said that my HBO channels will be activated within 5 working days, while the contract will start on the next billing cycle. Can't wait. :)

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