Friday, June 20, 2008

Back in Singapore

I'm now back in Singapore after my mudik holiday to Jakarta for about 1.5 weeks. It was quite a rewarding holiday for me and the family. Managed to take the kids to Ancol, specifically the Gelanggang Samudra and Dunia Fantasi, and we also had a fruitful 3D2N getaway to Bandung, my hometown.

As usual, I will be uploading the pictures to my Multiply site, soon, hopefully...


Anonymous said...

Mohon maaf Kang Indra, lupa mengabari kedatangan saya ke Singapura tempo hari. Tapi tenang aja, saya bakal sering2 kesana lagi kok. Moga2 bisa kopdar ya?

Belly SUrya Candra Orsa said...

Great Blog..!!!! Keep Blogging.... :)